Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Search of happiness-I

What is happiness?

Defining "happiness' with in four corners of words is not possible. There are certain characteristics of happiness which may help one to understand the happiness. The meaning of happiness may vary person to person from time to time.

Happiness is a state of mind which may be attained internally but can not be achieved outwardly. Happiness requires no movement, no physical activity but training the mind by continuous practice. Happiness is the food of soul not of the body.

Happiness is not an absolute term it is always comparative. There is nothing in the world by attaining which every person will become happy, There is no place in world, by going where every person will get happiness. A poor boy may become happy by getting a broken toy thrown by rich boy. A person becomes happy by getting a job left by someone else. This shows happiness is neither in toy nor in job but it depends upon Individual’s mental status and physical circumstances. When your one set of desire is full filled you get momentary happiness which subsided by lapse of time. We may say these are glimpse of happiness not happiness in true sense.

Attainment will give you momentary happiness; fulfillment of a set of desire will provide only a glimpse of happiness. There is nothing in this world attaining which nothing lefts to attain. There is no desire, satisfaction of which will not followed by another desire.

We can try to understand this in some other way. There is desire/expectation fulfillment of which gives happiness.


When there is desire there is no happiness, when happiness comes after satisfaction of the same, we don’t feel the desire but happiness. Meaning thereby when there is desire, there is no happiness and when there is happiness there is no desire. Therefore Happiness is state of desirelessness. It is a state of contentment. It is a state of peace. It is a state of bliss.

Continued....... in next post

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